Wednesday, April 24, 2013

40 Day Challenge

A few weeks ago I was able to watch the annual General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS). Every year the church has two days (8 hrs total) filled with inspired talks from the Prophet, the twelve apostles, and other general authorities of the church. Recently I joined a friend in starting a 40 day challenge to review the conference talks. Each day I read a conference talk and every now and then I will post my thoughts here.

I have so far finished with the first ten days of the 40 day challenge. I've been inspired, lifted up, and seriously pondered about those things that I want to do. Here are some of my reflections:

Welcome to Conference - President Thomas S. Monson
Since last years age change for the missionary requirements, missionary service has seriously boomed! There are over 65,000 full-time missionaries and 20,000 that have received their call as stated by Pres. Monson. Although I am no longer serving a full-time mission, there are always ways to contribute. I do not have any friends that are currently interested in attending church activities or hearing the missionaries. I've been too self-centered to focus on really working to be a member missionary. Pres. Monson invited us to contribute to the General Missionary Fund to help support all these young missionaries and that I CAN do! These missionaries will not likely be able to depend on family or themselves to completely pay for the mission, and I am more than willing to help.

These Things I know - President Boyd K Packer
Boyd K. Packer's "Unfinished Composition" really got me thinking about having no regrets. There are some very poor decisions I have made in my life, but in the end I have learned so much from those mistakes. I truly believe that everything happens for the reason. Additionally Packer's words of caution on the "tolerance trap" made me think of how easy it is to become desensitized. I know I have become desensitized to many impure things in movies, speech, and sometimes even the people I spend time with. The more we tolerate these things, the more we will lose the spirit.

A Sure Foundation - Bishop Dean M. Davies
The title speaks for itself. We must build our foundation upon Christ so we cannot fall. Just as concrete needs a specific balance of elements to be strong, we need an appropriate balance of spiritual elements to keep our foundation strong.

We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father - Elaine S. Dalton
"What e'er thou art, act well thy part" was my favorite part of this talk. What does my part look like? The Family Proclamation to the World clearly draws out each role in a family. As a daughter of God it's like I have a title of nobility to uphold to. Unlike the movies that seem to show royalty as being so stiff and proper, being a daughter of God is being virtuous, honest, chaste, modest, and many other Christ-like attributes. These things bring happiness to ourselves and others and that is what my part is.

The Savior Wants to Forgive - Craig A. Cardon
My favorite part about this talk is that "we should be willing to forgive ourselves and others, as the savior does." I typically think I am quick to forgive, but not to forget. As Cardon continued to explain that we need to believe that people can change made me think that if I can't forget I am not trusting that a person can change. "We must develop the capacity to see men NOT as they are at present, but as they may become," said Cardon. This is probably most applicable to me in regards to marriage. It's so easy early in the marriage to focus on all the flaws, but I know the Savior would have me focus on my husband's strengths and believe that we can both become better people.

This is My Work and Glory - M. Russell Ballard
Mostly with this talk I felt I need to watch the new leadership training video "Strengthening the Family and the Church through the Priesthood." I have not yet had a chance to watch it.

Come Unto Me - Henry B. Eyring
Eyring stated that the Savior has shown us how to come unto him by his words and his example. I know that it is important to draw closer to Christ, but this is not always easy with so many worldly distractions. "The Lord will draw closer to our loved ones as we serve Him in faith," provides an extra motivation. I need to pray for those that are in need of the Lord's help.

For Peace at Home - Richard G. Scott
There is a ton of great stuff in this talk. "Every decision you make should be based on what the Savior would have you do" is a great way to live your life. Lately I've noticed I turn to others that I trust to help me make a good decision, but I should be turning to the Lord. Another useful tip from this talk is that technology should be used wisely and we can use our devices to memorize and mark scriptures, listen to talks wherever we go, and record all our notes and highlights in one place. It has been very useful to use my computer, kindle and iphone to record my notes, highlights, and thoughts on conference talks in the same place. I hope to remember to review my notes in the future. This talk also talked about recognizing the good in others. I think the Lord is really trying to let me know I need to focus on the good in people!

Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness
Most of all this talk helped remind me that the Church is a refuge. It is by those spiritual things the we obtain peace which is an "abiding deep happiness and spiritual contentment." Not only do I need to make my home (or small room at present) a place of peace, but I need to attend Church and the Temple regularly. By doing so, I know I can also feel the Spirit more strongly to guide me in all that I do.

I have only mentioned the main things that stood out to me. My hope now is that I will be able to work on applying all the things I have learned.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Purpose

Moses 1: 39 -- For behold, this is my work and my glory —to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.  
Since I was a very young girl I had a strong desire to do what was right. As I got older this desire magnified as I began to fully understand the importance of choosing the right. I've decided to start this blog to describe this development as my understanding continues to grow. I hope to share my experiences that have led to knowledge of my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. As time goes on I will express what I have learned from the Holy Ghost and how I am guided by that precious spirit. I know my purpose is to return to live with my father in heaven, but the pathway to get there is a difficult one. This will be a record of my path towards God.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and this is my spiritual journey.